I started my weight loss journey at 319 pounds. All along the way I posted my "scale" pictures as the weight came off. I really slacked off the past year so I am going to start posting it again. My new scale measures body fat which I never kept track of before. It's pretty exciting.
Me: My name is Rebekah. I am a child of the most high God and the mother to six precious children, four of which I parent, one who went to be with Jesus at six weeks gestation, and the last one (sweet Tyrus) who I relinquished to adoption. This blog highlights all the good the bad and the ugly parts of being a single mom and also a birth mom. Truth be told, I'm just a sinner saved by grace, and I have made a lot of mistakes, but its all about counting the cost and moving on and making life better, because life is good....really really good.
Chelsea: My firstborn. She was born with a crooked nose and a personality that caught every ones attention. She is independent, and loving, and very girly. Give her some hairspray and some makeup and a pair of skinny jeans and she is happy. Thankfully her nose straightened out but the rest of her stayed the same...I'm so glad.
Victoria: My second born. Thoughtful, serious and beautiful are words that sum up Victoria since she was born. It took a lot to make her smile as a baby but when she did it lit up the room. Now that she is older she is still serious, but also very loving and likes to kiss my cheek all the time. She is sneaky yet likes to please. She loves animals and I wouldn't be surprised if she became an animal activist some day.
Matthew: My third born. Movin Movin Movin would describe Matt exactly. He is just a bundle full of energy. He doesn't like video games or TV, he would rather be outside throwing a football or riding his bike. He is all boy. He is my fix it kid. Give him a screw driver and he will figure it out.
Skyler: My fourth born. The baby of the family is exactly what little Sky is. I think he knows this and plays all of us for all we are worth. Trouble would be the word I would use to describe him. Don't leave him alone for a minute or he will be playing cars through a pile of flour in my living room. Even though he is into everything, he is such a sweetheart and we all love him very much.
1 comment:
I've been wondering what happened to this particular adventure of yours! Welcome 'back!' All the best. Woohoo on the progress thus far!
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