Sunday, August 1, 2010

Im a Wildfire!

Check out my new video on weight loss here.

Ill be updating on this blog probably tomorrow. Lots and lots to say!!


All My Monkeys said...

Oh, gosh. You just made me laugh. I was scrolling down to find a post that didn't have any comments (and girl, you are POPULAR! You don't have any posts with no comments.) when I saw the one post you did a few weeks ago that said "Does anyone else get grumpy?" Oh my GOSH I laughed out LOUD! I was so grumpy for the last 2 days. I HATE that. grrr. No one likes a grumpy mommy, least of all the mommy, but yes, it does happen. Oh well. Now, the point of my comment. Yes, finally :D I wish I had your email address. But since I don't I'll just send this to you in a comment. Sorry it's lengthy. But if you want to email me, my dotcom hotmail email is iamkelbelle. So I just got this email and I thought of you. I really like Love&Logic, and these emails are nice reminders/tips. Just thought I'd pass it on. But, anyway, you're doing a great job.

All My Monkeys said...

This is the thing from Love&Logic, and I thought of you considering your last few emails, and some from last yr, with your own kids' struggles. I found this insightful, hope you do too:

As parents, all that we can do is up the odds that our kids will become happy and responsible. There are times when even the very best parents on the planet have kids who feel so hopeless that they want to end it all.

Kids committing a very common type of suicide, which I call "Slow Suicide," are often ignored or misunderstood. These are the youngsters who feel so bad about themselves that they engage in frequent high-risk and apathetic behaviors:
*Reckless driving
*Failing to wear their seat belts
*Texting while driving
*Drug and alcohol use
*Sexual promiscuity
*Sexually provocative texting and internet use
*Self-destructive eating or dieting
*Refusing to attend school or complete schoolwork

Too frequently, we as parents and professionals decide that children displaying these symptoms simply need more consequences. While it's surely true that they need to be held accountable for their choices, it's equally important that we address the underlying causes of their self-destructive behavior… most of which have to do with having a very fragile sense of self.

In his CD, Shaping Self-Concept, my father provides concrete strategies for helping kids feel good enough about themselves that they want to live…and excel. One strategy involves systematically focusing on their unique gifts. These strategies, combined with appropriate professional help, can make the difference between life and death.

(you can sign up for free emails like this there.)