Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So sad

Im so sad to hear that Mcmama's husband has left her. What in the world is going on???? This will be on my mind all day today. Being a single mom is not easy....


Ms. Elaine said...

I don't understand if he is leaving her, why is she and the kids the ones moving? Guess more will come later.

Unknown said...


How did I miss this? What happened??

Omg. Off to find out what happened... praying for her and all of those sweet babies :-(

All My Monkeys said...

I know. Makes me feel nauseous, the heartache and stress of it all. Life is hard. This is definitely going to be a hard stretch for her. She said something like the air being sucked out of her. sigh. I wanna give her a hug. I hopes she can find time and space to breathe. O Lord, breathe life and love into her, her children, her husband.

All My Monkeys said...

@Ms. Elaine: She and the kids are leaving because they all needed to move anyway, I think due to the bug infestation they've been having for a month or so now.

Man. So much upheaval and change in that family. I hope they find calmer, more stable days.