Sunday, April 22, 2012


The boys on a Hiking Trip.

My boyfriend went to LA for a business trip and wrote my name in the sand for me. So sweet!!

This one melts my heart. You all know who Ty is. Now he is a big brother. Can you see how happy he is? 

Yes, these are my dogs. No they are not possessed. LOL

My first flowers of the season. The sight of them makes me happy. 

Me and my sister. Isnt she beautiful? I love her!

My oldest daughter Chelsea. She sure is growing up. I couldnt find a good one of Victoria. It makes me sad that I dont have the girls near me. 


Anonymous said...

I know you must think I am absolutely psycho.... but here ya go.........

Anonymous said...

I know.... but I can explain.... my last blogger got deleted by google cause I registerd a too young age,,, and my wordpress... well.... I just hadnt blogged in a while and it took my posts away.... besides I really like bloggers layout MUCH better......

I know Im a mess,,, Im everywhere all at once.... Searching for peace....

thanks for loving me