My strategy worked. I brought my security deposit and gave it to the lady and she locked us in. Nobody else can put their application in because they work on a first come first serve basis. The only problem is, its a property management company and she had about five other rental applications to process before mine (different addresses). She said that maybe she would get to it yesterday but not to fret if I didn't hear from her because she had so much to do. I didnt hear from her so I called her and she said she had not been able to process it yet so it looks like Ill be waiting until Monday to hear anything. AHHHHHHHH!!!!
I'M FREAKING OUT HERE. Do you all think I have anything to worry about? I don't owe any past rent and I have always paid on time, so if she pulls my credit she will see that I have a low credit score but of course she will also see that my bad credit is not because of not paying rent to any landlord. Also if she pulls my criminal history she will also see that I have never been in trouble. Am I worrying for nothing?
In the meantime, me and the kids continue to pack. If we get approved we will be moving on the 13th. I was really hoping to hire a moving company but I just don't have the funds for it so I am going to rely on friends and family which is also going to be hard because I don't have many people to ask. God is going to have to step in and help me on that one.
Here are some pictures of the place. It is a little retro with the orange counter tops but we don't mind because we are just happy with counter tops that are not covered with paint like we have now. We just want a place to live.