Sunday, July 26, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
Nail polish

You can visit her Etsy store here:
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Six years old
He is six years old today.
Most days I'm ok, but today the memories are getting the best of me. I have so much anger, and sadness, and regret....but then....I remember how great his life is right now and it settles my heart.
My mind takes me back to "birth day. " there was much excitement in the air. We had all come to love the family that would soon take the roll of mom and dad to my son. I had family and friends around me. I was showered with gifts, and I had a pretty darn good epidural going, so things didn't seem so bad. I thought "I can handle this." And guess what? I did handle it, but it was so dang hard.
After he was born we all held him and admired his beautiful features and his massive amount of hair. He had these dark eyes that were almost black in color. His hair stuck up in the air like it had hell in it. It was adorable.
The fun ended that day when the adoption agency's representative came in and said it was time for me to sign the papers. I had him in my arms when I signed away my parental rights. I couldn't keep myself calmed down. The tears flowed and flowed. And then, it was time to leave. I watched as his new mom and dad carefully placed him in their car seat and buckled him in for the first time. I remember being so happy that they were experiencing parenthood and all the fun "firsts."
We all were escorted out of the hospital at the same exit, and into the same parking lot. There was just one difference...try were going home with a baby, and I was not...and it was all by choice. I felt sick to my stomach and thought I might loose it in the parking lot, but I held it together for the drive home.
That was six years ago and the memories are so vivid. The pain is stil so real, but there are a few things that have changed. I'm not the same person as I was six years ago. I think I have gained so much within myself. I have been able to deal with the circumstances that made me a birthmom, and I'm ok with it. I made the best decision I could for my son. He has a good life and we have a wonderful open relationship. Hard times defiantly shape us and make us grow. I'm in a good place now, but I will never forget the pain of the past because it makes me who I am today.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Headband Review
You can find Owl Be Sweatin headbands at Use code Rebekahb15 for a 15% discount. I do not sell these, I only promote them because I love them. Check out my video below.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
My second weight loss challenge group starting soon.....
I am starting another online accountability weight loss challenge group and I have a few spots open!! It officially starts on April 27th.
My first group has a couple weeks left and I'm gearing up for the next one!! By the way, one of my girls has already lost 6 pounds and they are only two weeks in!! THAT'S INCREDIBLE!
This group is designed to teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle by learning portion control, eating the right kinds of foods, and also short intense workouts that will get you results!
There is a financial investment required (to make sure you have ALL the tools you need to SERIOUSLY rock this,) but there are a range of options, so I am sure we will find something to fit YOUR budget needs.
This is a LIFESTYLE change, not a QUICK fix. I have lost 133 pounds by changing my habits and practicing them every day. I want to pay it forward and help others reach their goals.
Respond to this invitation if you are serious about changing your life and getting healthier. This is an investment in YOU and YOUR future. I cant wait to work with you!!
If you are interested you have several ways of contacting me below:
2. Facebook=
3. My facebook fan page:
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
Get fit with Rebekah!!
I am so excited to invite you all to my "Get Fit With Rebekah" challenge group.
Opening up enrollment for my next fitness and nutrition bootcamp starting March 31st! I am *so* excited for this group! We will focus on proper nutrition eating whole, nutrient dense foods; short, intense workouts that will guarantee results; and working on making this a LIFESTYLE change, not just a crazy quick fix. I only take a few new clients a month, so if you have been looking to get started, now is the time!
There is a financial investment required (to make sure you have all of
the tools you need to seriously rock this), but there is a range of
options, so I am sure we will find something to fit with YOUR budget and
Lets get healthy inside and out together. I'm so excited to walk beside you as your coach.
Lets get healthy inside and out together. I'm so excited to walk beside you as your coach.
Find me on Facebook under Rebekah Bancroft.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Rebekah posted this picture of Tyrus today. It literally stopped me in my tracks. Where did his baby chub unless go? You know that baby fat that kinda follows them into toddlerhood, until they eventually start growing up and start thinning out? He is way past that. The last time I held him he was still a little squshy and little and toddleish, but this picture clearly shows how big and grown up he is. When we talk on the phone he is so sweet. He talks very fast and I can tell he has so much to tell me but just can't say it fast enough. My heart longs to be with him, but I am so happy to see him doing so well. He sent me some pictures through the mail about a month ago. 

My cousin recently brought to my attention an article that was written way back after Tyrus was born. The writer of the article interviewed me and Tyrus's mom. I think they did a wonderful job of depicting my side of adoption and also Rebekah's side of adoption. Unfortunately, they had to close the article down from any further comments because a war was started. It seems that some of the people that were commenting disagreed with my decision to give Tyrus up for adoption. Their view on my life was that I could have raised him, and I should not have given him up for adoption, and I hurt on my children by making the choice not to parent my sweet boy. And although I do respect everyone's opinion, and I do miss my son, things are how they are supposed to be. Tyrus belongs with Rebekah and Ben. Tyrus will always be the brother of my children. But if I didn't choose to give him up for adoption, Rebekah and Ben would not of had the pleasure of being his parents, and Tyrus's new brothers and sister would not have the best brother ever. To God be the glory. Things are how they should be.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Food do I beat it??
I know this is not my weight loss blog...but I made this video because its really important to me. Fitness and healthy eating are my hobby...I find TONS of joy in involving my self in those things and I have a heart for those who have been through what I have been through and I just want to help. I figured if anyone follows this blog that may need to hear my words then I cant loose for posting it here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
I absolutely love Instagram. If you love it too then go find me over there. Here is a picture of my page so you can find me.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
I regret nothing....
I ran across this picture today while rummaging through my things in the shed. The memories of it brought me to tears. I was literally feeling weak in the knees.
This picture is of me in 2009. I am holding my newborn son and I am about to say good bye to him as his mom and dad take him home to Michigan. He is my fifth born son and I had chose not to parent him. Life had gotten the best of me and I could no longer control it. I weighed 319 pounds and I was a single mom to four other small children. The pain I felt in this moment was unbearable. My chin was quivering and I was trying to keep myself from falling apart. I kept looking at his feet and rubbing his legs...they were so perfect.
One memory I have in this moment was being very thankful to the couple I had chosen to parent my son. By giving them my sweet boy meant a great burden was taken from me. My life was falling in around me and I didn't want my new son to be sucked into it. I was grateful he wouldn't have to be part of my dysfunction.
Its hard to look back and remember these things but I am grateful to have the memories and the pictures. It shows me how far I have come. Its is seriously by Gods grace that I have any life at all.
I regret nothing as long as I have learned from it.
I regret nothing as long as I can help others with what I have learned.
This picture is of me in 2009. I am holding my newborn son and I am about to say good bye to him as his mom and dad take him home to Michigan. He is my fifth born son and I had chose not to parent him. Life had gotten the best of me and I could no longer control it. I weighed 319 pounds and I was a single mom to four other small children. The pain I felt in this moment was unbearable. My chin was quivering and I was trying to keep myself from falling apart. I kept looking at his feet and rubbing his legs...they were so perfect.
One memory I have in this moment was being very thankful to the couple I had chosen to parent my son. By giving them my sweet boy meant a great burden was taken from me. My life was falling in around me and I didn't want my new son to be sucked into it. I was grateful he wouldn't have to be part of my dysfunction.
Its hard to look back and remember these things but I am grateful to have the memories and the pictures. It shows me how far I have come. Its is seriously by Gods grace that I have any life at all.
I regret nothing as long as I have learned from it.
I regret nothing as long as I can help others with what I have learned.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
The 21 Day Fix Challenge and Invite...
As many of you know I have battled with my weight over the course of my life and and over the past few years I have successfully lost over 130 pounds on my own. If you want my help challenging you to reach your goals then
Check out my video below!!
This is very exciting....I cant wait to start helping others!!Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Those Moments...
Do you ever have those moments where you catch yourself daydreaming....staring out into space and then all of a sudden you sigh and say to yourself "time to get back to reality."
Ive been doing that so much lately. Maybe its because Im almost forty...or maybe because Im tired. Im not really sure but It has made me think a lot. Its really hard for me to put into words my thoughts and feelings lately. I have so many blog posts started....saved...and never published. Every time I sit and try to write it sounds stupid and it doesn't flow right. I'm trying to figure out what is off balance in me or my life. I hope I can get rid of this writers block soon.
My Grandma died a few days ago. This was my Grandma on my dads side. The newest great grand children lovingly called her GiGi but to me she was always Grandma. I spent many summers with her growing up. I remember her always being loving and she always encouraged us to stay close to the Lord and to always aim for Heaven. In her later years, every chance she could get to encourage us to stay in church she could. Her faith was her main priority. She loved her kids, and her grand kids and I think she took a special liking to all her many many great grandchildren. From what I can come up with I am quite certain that she had at least 18 great grandchildren, and this included any great grandchildren that she obtained through adoption or marriage including my birth sons new brothers and sisters. She knew all there names and birthdays and she would send them hand made birthday cards every year there birthdays would come around. She died peacefully early Sunday morning. Even though we were all expecting it, as she had recently been moved to hospice, it was still extremely sad and we were all moved with emotion at the loss we felt.
My daydreaming often falls to memories of Grandma and the time she gave to all of us and I wonder if we all gave back to her the way she gave to us? I find myself feeling so guilty and sad that I didnt take the time to love her enough or show her how I cared. She lived far away but even her distance didnt stop her from loving on others.
Lately, I have been struggling with a lot of guilt over things I have failed to do with loved ones in the past, including my children. I long for the day when I can let go of those feelings I feel of loss and guilt over the things I should have done better to show my love towards others and move on to more productive things. I have so many around me now that could use my love and attention and I I KNOW I am capable of so much more than I was before.
One of my goals this year is to practice reach out to those I love more and let them know how important they are to me and to try (this will be a work in progress) to let go of the things I can not change from the past. The past is gone....time to build a new future.
Ive been doing that so much lately. Maybe its because Im almost forty...or maybe because Im tired. Im not really sure but It has made me think a lot. Its really hard for me to put into words my thoughts and feelings lately. I have so many blog posts started....saved...and never published. Every time I sit and try to write it sounds stupid and it doesn't flow right. I'm trying to figure out what is off balance in me or my life. I hope I can get rid of this writers block soon.
My Grandma died a few days ago. This was my Grandma on my dads side. The newest great grand children lovingly called her GiGi but to me she was always Grandma. I spent many summers with her growing up. I remember her always being loving and she always encouraged us to stay close to the Lord and to always aim for Heaven. In her later years, every chance she could get to encourage us to stay in church she could. Her faith was her main priority. She loved her kids, and her grand kids and I think she took a special liking to all her many many great grandchildren. From what I can come up with I am quite certain that she had at least 18 great grandchildren, and this included any great grandchildren that she obtained through adoption or marriage including my birth sons new brothers and sisters. She knew all there names and birthdays and she would send them hand made birthday cards every year there birthdays would come around. She died peacefully early Sunday morning. Even though we were all expecting it, as she had recently been moved to hospice, it was still extremely sad and we were all moved with emotion at the loss we felt.
My daydreaming often falls to memories of Grandma and the time she gave to all of us and I wonder if we all gave back to her the way she gave to us? I find myself feeling so guilty and sad that I didnt take the time to love her enough or show her how I cared. She lived far away but even her distance didnt stop her from loving on others.
Lately, I have been struggling with a lot of guilt over things I have failed to do with loved ones in the past, including my children. I long for the day when I can let go of those feelings I feel of loss and guilt over the things I should have done better to show my love towards others and move on to more productive things. I have so many around me now that could use my love and attention and I I KNOW I am capable of so much more than I was before.
One of my goals this year is to practice reach out to those I love more and let them know how important they are to me and to try (this will be a work in progress) to let go of the things I can not change from the past. The past is gone....time to build a new future.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The best headband ever review.....
Finally, a headband that works with my hair and ACTUALLY stays in. Check out my review below. I used the code "mamalaughlin" to get 20% off.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Needing something...
I haven't been here in a while. Its not new news that I'm a busy lady and I have a hard time balancing time for myself and time for my normal duties. That doesnt discount the fact that I am REALLY wanting to share my heart...more of my story going WAY back before I became a birth mom. I wonder if people really want to hear it?
My life really could be put into a book. A good little christian girl, looses her way at the very young age of 18. The things that followed were just beyond what a "normal" life should be. Here I am years later at age 39 and Im just now processing what has happened to me. Im married for the third time and now I have eight kids. The journey from 18 to here is very interesting and I think it would help me be able to process it all by writing it down. But where do I start?
Here is me and my oldest daughter...the one who made me a mom at 18 years old. I cherish our relationship now because the first 18 years of her life were not so easy on us. We have been through a lot together.
My life really could be put into a book. A good little christian girl, looses her way at the very young age of 18. The things that followed were just beyond what a "normal" life should be. Here I am years later at age 39 and Im just now processing what has happened to me. Im married for the third time and now I have eight kids. The journey from 18 to here is very interesting and I think it would help me be able to process it all by writing it down. But where do I start?
Here is me and my oldest daughter...the one who made me a mom at 18 years old. I cherish our relationship now because the first 18 years of her life were not so easy on us. We have been through a lot together.
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