Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Thorn!! Adoption updates!!

The church I attend has been through a lot of heartache and trials the past two years. First the very publicised fall off our pastor Ted Haggard, and then a year later the tragic shootings, in our church, that killed two of our sweet teenagers, and injuring many more. Although we knew that the church would pull through, it was decided to take a break from all our big Easter and Christmas performances. So now, its 2009 and we are back in action. This is our first big performance since our year long break and the excitement is in the air. We have been practicing now for about a month and a half. My girls are both in the play and we are just having such a good time.

I took some video on Saturday during our practice. Not everyone is in costume and the sanctuary is a mess but it gives you a small glimpse of what it is about. I tried to capture the heaven scene but the video was to long. Maybe Ill put it on YouTube.

This first video is from a distance, but it is of Jesus preaching in frontof the multitude of people. He multiplies the bread and the fish and feeds thousands of people. When the people are jumping up and running out it is after he has passed out the bread. You can see the Roman Solders patrolling the pretend streets.

This next video is on Palm Sunday. Generally the cast will be waving palm branches but not during practice. Jesus is of course in the white coming through the door, and yes, that is my son running through the isles after him. LOL

This scene is the Hell scene. I tried to capture a demon falling from the ceiling. I kinda missed it though. This scene is the spiritual battle between Satan and the Angels while Judas is betraying Jesus with 30 pieces of silver. I couldn't capture Satan, but he is quite freaky. During the whole play he is pretty much in it. As you can see our play has a lot of spiritual battles in it because in reality, that is what was going on behind what everyone could see. Satan was working VERY hard to win. But we know in the end he does NOT win. Thank GOD!!!!

This is Jordan (our Jesus in the play) right after John the Baptist baptized him. And the picture below that is Chelsea in her slave costume getting geard up for the Egypt scene, which I did not capture.

And of course this last video is of Jesus on the cross between the two thieves. Im proud th share the small videos.

On the adoption topic. Yesterday I got a big ol packet in the mail from the adoption agency here in town. This will be the third time I have filled out information for an agency but this packet is different. I opened the packet and was looking through it and found some actual court documents. It was so surreal to see these papers with my courts name on the top, and to realize that these are the papers that I will sign my baby away with. It didnt make me sad or scared but it made it seem really really real now. Its actually happening and while I looked at these papers it just seemed so weird. I cant explain it. But I am glad, im glad something is finally going to be started and I can start getting a clear picture of what will happen. Its all good news.

1 comment:

mak'n Changes said...

Yay! I was hoping u would post pictures and have a great story to tell. I have been to your church. The prayer center is amazing! Is pastor haggard still leading? I remember one day here in phx seeing pastor barnett and ted and his wife as well as leo godzich standing in the phx first parking lot talking. It was shortly after everything broke loose. I guess they had come for counseling.
I had no clue their were shootings at your church! What the heck dude!
It must be exciting to see all the hustle of the easter play happening. Does it bring back memories for u of your play days? Ah the good ol days.
I'm happy things are going forward with the adoption, it must give u a bit of peace.
Well I love u! Have a wonderful day.
